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Ensure a single instance of an application in Linux

  • Authors
    • Author: Amy Bennett
      Author: Amy Bennett
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Learn how to ensure only one instance of your Python application runs on Linux using advisory locking with the fcntl module. Prevent multiple instances efficiently.

Table of contents

#Prevent Multiple Instances of Python Application in Linux Using Advisory Locking

To en only one instance of your Python application runs on Linux, you can use advisory locking with the fcntl module. This method provides a reliable way to prevent multiple instances of your application from running simultaneously. Here's how you can do it:

import fcntl

# Define the path
for the lock file
pid_file = ''

# Open the lock file
fp = open(pid_file, 'w')

# Attempt to acquire an exclusive lock on the file
fcntl.lockf(fp, fcntl.LOCK_EX | fcntl.LOCK_NB)
except IOError:
   # If another instance is running, exit the current instance

This code snippet attempts to acquire an exclusive lock on a file specified by pid_file. If another instance of the application already holds the lock, the IOError exception will be raised, and the current instance will exit gracefully.

Using advisory locking ens that the lock is automatically released when your process terminates, whether due to a clean shutdown or an unexpected crash. This approach eliminates the need for manual cleanup by users and avoids race conditions associated with file deletion.

For more information on the fcntl module and advisory locking in Python, you can refer to the

By implementing this solution, you can en that only one instance of your Python application runs at any given time on a Linux system.

I'm working on a GUI application in WxPython, and I am not sure how I can ensure that only one copy of my application is running at any given time on the machine. Due to the nature of the application, running more than once doesn't make any sense, and will fail quickly. Under Win32, I can simply make a named mutex and check that at startup. Unfortunately, I don't know of any facilities in Linux that can do this. By far the most common method is to drop a file into /var/run/ called [application].pid which contains only the PID of the running process, or parent process

👉 Answer 2

#Ensuring Exclusive Script Execution: Using 'flock' and 'lockfile' for One-Instance Bash Scripts

To en only one instance of a Bash script is running, you can use the "flock" utility or "lockfile." These methods help prevent multiple instances of your script from running simultaneously and provide a way to control exclusive access to resources.

Using "flock"

1. External Script Execution

You can use "flock" to execute an external script. For instance, if your script is named "," and you want to use "/var/lock/dobackup.lock" as the lock file, you can use the following command:

$ flock - n /
   var / lock / dobackup.lock. /

This ens that only one instance of "" runs at a time. If another instance is already running, the command will fail, and the script won't execute.

2. Incorporating "flock" Inside the Script

Alternatively, you can embed "flock" directly within your script using a file descriptor. Here's an example snippet within the script:

(flock - n 100 || another_instance; DEST = /home/backup / `date +%s`; mkdir - p "$DEST"; rsync - avz root @myhost: /home/web
   "$DEST/.") 100 > /var/lock / dobackup.lock

This ens exclusive access to the script's critical section, and if "flock" fails, indicating another instance is running, it triggers the "another_instance" function.

Using "lockfile"

Another approach is using "lockfile." This utility, provided by procmail, allows you to specify a file as a lock. If the file exists, it indicates another instance is running. Here's an example snippet:

LOCK = /var/lock / dobackup.lock
lockfile - r 0 - l 3600 "$LOCK" || another_instance
trap remove_lock EXIT
# Rest of your script

This code checks for the existence of the lock file and exits if another instance is detected.


In summary, ensuring only one instance of a Bash script is running is crucial for scenarios where exclusive access to resources is needed. "flock" and "lockfile" provide effective ways to achieve this. The methods involving PID files, directories, and process searching (using pgrep or lsof) are less secure compared to "flock" and "lockfile" but can be considered depending on the specific requirements of your script.

For more details on "flock" and "lockfile," you can refer to their manual pages,, and

In this tutorial, we’ll discuss different ways of ensuring only one instance of a bash script is running. This will be useful when our script needs to have exclusive access to some resource. One common example is when we need to run a cron job only if it is not already running. When using pgrep inside the script, we’ll always have at least one instance. If there is only one (the script itself), pgrep will just print the current PID. If there are more instances, all PIDs will be printed and the output will differ from our current PID

👉 Answer 3

#Ensuring Single Instance Execution in Linux with Python: File Locking Method Explained

To en only one instance of an application runs in Linux using Python, you typically acquire a file lock. This involves creating a runtime file with the process ID (PID) as its contents during initialization and deleting the file on exit. If the file exists during startup, it indicates another instance is already running.

Here's a simplified explanation of how to achieve this:

import fcntl
import os

# Define a
function to check and create the lock file
def acquire_lock(lockfile):
   # Open the lock file in exclusive creation mode
lock_fd =, os.O_CREAT | os.O_EXCL | os.O_RDWR)
# Lock the file
fcntl.flock(lock_fd, fcntl.LOCK_EX | fcntl.LOCK_NB)
# Write the process ID to the lock file
os.write(lock_fd, str(os.getpid()).encode())
return lock_fd
except FileExistsError:
   # If the lock file already exists, another instance is running
print("Another instance is already running.")

# Define the lock file path
lockfile = "/var/run/myapp.lock"

# Acquire the lock
lock_fd = acquire_lock(lockfile)

# Application logic goes here

# Release the lock and delete the lock file on exit

In this code:

  • We attempt to open the lock file in exclusive creation mode (os.O_CREAT | os.O_EXCL) using
  • If the file doesn't exist, it's created, and the process ID is written into it.
  • If the file already exists, FileExistsError is raised, indicating another instance is running.
  • We use fcntl.flock() to lock the file, ensuring exclusive access.
  • Finally, on program exit, we release the lock and delete the lock file.

This approach ens only one instance of the application runs at any given time, preventing issues like server crashes due to multiple simultaneous instances.

For example, assume the server crashes if more than one instance is run simultaneously, and we're trying to prevent this. I'd like to see one or more example(s) of different ways so I can run and verify on my system. Since you don't use file locking, it is possible to have two (or more instances of your program running). It all depends on the timing, since the check for the existence of the file and creation of the file is not atomic in your code

👉 Answer 4

#Ensuring Single Instance of a Python Application on Linux Using D-Bus: A Comprehensive Guide

If you want to en that only a single instance of your application runs on Linux, there are a couple of approaches you can take. One common method involves using interprocess communication (IPC) to check if another instance of the application is already running. One way to achieve this is by creating a file at startup and removing it when the application exits. Before launching the application, you can check if this file exists, and if it does, exit the new instance directly.

Another approach, which offers more flexibility but is slightly more complex, involves using D-Bus, a message bus system for interprocess communication. D-Bus allows different processes to communicate with each other and can be used to en only one instance of an application runs at a time.

One implementation of this method, provided by Luca Bruno for his FreeSpeak application, utilizes D-Bus and Python. By setting up a D-Bus service and using it to check if an instance of the application is already running, you can prevent multiple instances from being launched.

Here's a simplified explanation of how Luca Bruno's solution works:

  1. Set up the D-Bus main loop.
  2. Request a session bus name so that other applications can connect to it.
  3. If the bus name doesn't exist (meaning we are the primary owner), create a new instance of the application. If it does exist, obtain the object from D-Bus and call methods on the remote Application object.
  4. The Application.start method checks if the application is already running and takes appropriate action based on the result.

By using D-Bus for communication between instances of the application, you can en that only one instance runs at a time, providing a more robust solution compared to simpler methods like file-based locking.

If you're interested in exploring D-Bus further, you can find more information in the D-Bus documentation Additionally, you can check out Luca Bruno's profile for more insights into his work.

First, make sure you have a good reason to do this. People expect applications to work as you describe in your post. Even though you personally might not like it. Request a session bus name, so that other applications (in our case another instance of the same application) can connect to it Creating a GTK+ application this way is really easy. It only needs to use the GTK+ mainloop.Let's suppose we want to present() the GtkWindow when the user tries to open another instance of the application: